
How to get around in Lisbon

Bus & Metro

Here you can find information about the bus route and the ticket prices.

Here you can find information about the metro route and the ticket prices.

To reach NOVA, you must take the red metro line towards São Sebastião. From there you must do a 10 minutes’ walk to NOVA (more or less).

Click here for the Metro map.


Lisbon as a good network of taxis. During the day fares start at 3,40 euros and at 3,90 euros at night. Taxis are easily found anywhere in Lisbon. Nonetheless, please find some contacts to call a taxi at any time of the day:

a. Teletaxis: +351 218 111 100;
b. Autocoope: +351 217 932 756;
c. Retális Rádio Táxis: +351 218 119 000.


Uber was the first ridesharing service in Lisbon, and although it has recent competitors, it remains the most popular. Fares tend be to slightly lower than regular taxis but note that if you call an Uber at the airport, the car can’t stop outside the arrivals terminal and there may be some confusion figuring out your pickup location.